FPE fosters partnerships among civil society, conservations groups, the government, business sector, and communities for effective and sustainable biodiversity strategies.
Cagayan Valley Partners in People Development (CAVAPPED)
Cahbriba Alternative School Foundation
Calaca Fisherfolk Consultative Body, Inc.
Calacan Bay Fisherfolk Federation
Camalandaan Agro Forest Association (CAFA)
Project: Conservation Trade-off towards Sustaining Forest Protection
Grant Type: Small
Strategy: Constituency Building
Area: Visayas
Camarines Sur NGO/PO Development Network, Inc.
Cantaan Centennial Multipurpose Cooperative
Caraga Consortium for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, Inc.
Caraga Development Foundation, Inc.
CARE Foundation
Caritas Virac for Justice and Peace, Inc. (CVJPI)
Project: International Conference on Research & Scientific Publishing on Island Biodiversity Conservation and Resource Management Towards Sustainability, Equity and Climate Resiliency
Grant Type: Small
Strategy: Constituency Building
Area: Luzon