7 Thematic Pathways
The Foundation for the Philippine Environment identified key areas of focus, referred to as thematic pathways to ensure alignment with programmatic priorities. These pathways guide strategic initiatives and resource allocation, addressing critical environmental challenges while fostering collaboration among stakeholders. By concentrating efforts on these specific themes, the Foundation aims to maximize its impact.

Ecosystem Conservation
The Ecosystem Conservation Pathway refers to the protection and preservation of natural ecosystems and the biodiversity therein. This pathway entails the promotion of sustainable use of resources, maintaining ecological integrity of the ecosystems, and prevention of habitat degradation. Ecosystem conservation includes the strategic planning, implementation, and evaluation of projects and programs that will contribute to the long- term health of the environment and ecosystem resilience.
Activities within this pathway may include assessment, monitoring, and sustainable management of ecosystems. It can also cover the restoration or rehabilitation of a degraded ecosystem, and other activities or programs that contribute to maintaining healthy ecosystems that are fully functioning and capable of providing ecological services.

Genetics Biodiversity Conservation
The Genetic Biodiversity Conservation Pathway revolves around conservation of genetic diversity within a species or between individuals. This pathway is geared towards gene preservation strategies to promote diversity within a population. This aims to strengthen species' adaptability to environmental changes; improve resistance to diseases and pests; and allows them to cope with other stresses to ensure its long-term viability.
Activities within this pathway may include gene sequencing and barcoding, and the identification, assessment, and conservation of endangered species. The conduct of research projects on genetic monitoring and population management, as well as establishing gene libraries may also be covered in this pathway.

Conservation Action Swap
The Conservation Action Swap Pathway is geared towards recognizing and incentivizing the efforts and commitments of different stakeholders in biodiversity conservation and environmental protection. The pathway aims to ensure the long-term goal of shared biodiversity conservation, environmental protection, and sustainability through a collaborative approach.
Activities that fall within this pathway may include providing alternative and sustainable livelihood for communities; awarding scholarships to deserving students; or assistance to civil society organizations (CSOs) working toward biodiversity conservation and environmental protection.

Conservation Enterprise
The Conservation Enterprise Pathway refers to the conservation and sustainable efforts integrated into business practices that are aligned with protecting the environment. This pathway aims to attain the organization's vision and mission while providing the socio- economic needs of the local communities. This includes livelihood development and generating income from biodiversity conservation activities.
Examples of activities that fall within this track are organic farming, ecotourism, beekeeping, and similar interventions.

Climate Defense Measures
The Climate Defense Measures Pathway refers to climate change adaptation and mitigation activities. This pathway involves different stakeholders including the government, business sector, local communities, and NGOs to create strategic action plans to combat climate change.
Activities that may fall within the purview of Climate Defense Measures include nature-based solutions and technology such as the use of bamboo poles, Napier grasses, and bamboo twigs to rehabilitate riverbanks. Climate change disaster and risk management programs are also included in this pathway.

Conservation Advocacy and Policy
The Conservation Advocacy and Policy Pathway revolves around activities that aim to inculcate environmental advocacy. The pathway seeks to influence government officials, organizations, communities, and other stakeholders to give preferential consideration for biodiversity conservation and environmental protection in their decision-making and policy formulation.
Activities under the Conservation Advocacy and Policy Pathway include lobbying for environmental policies; developing policy papers; supporting indigenous peoples' (IP) petitions in pursuing legal actions; capacity-building or constituency-building; and championing the cause of environmental defenders.

Knowledge Generation and Sharing
Knowledge generation and sharing focuses on the systematic exploration of new information and insights by utilizing innovative approaches and scientific methods to generate knowledge. In this pathway, the information generated from project implementation is used to develop evidence-based reports and knowledge products.
This goes hand in hand with knowledge sharing, which employs the use of various media to effectively communicate the results of different interventions. This pathway fosters a collaborative approach through creative approaches to information sharing such as community engagement, training and mentoring, and networking.
Activities that fall under this pathway include the conduct of evidence-based research, scientific conferences/fora, and training programs. Producing toolkits and manuals, developing environmental games, fostering nature arts, and initiating mapping activities are also other initiatives that may fall within this pathway.