Today is March 15, 2025
Today is March 15, 2025

Impact Stories

Imagining a Greener Future

Posted on October 10, 2014

Believing that theater and music are powerful tools for the call to the environment’s rescue and that creative advocacy for the environment is a vital mechanism in influencing the communities of Davao to create initiatives and attain significant achievements for the protection of the environment, the Mindanao People’s Caucus and the Kaliwat Performing Artists Collective, Inc.


Marshals of the Marsh

Posted on October 3, 2014

A conglomeration of three marshes, namely, Ligawasan, Libungan and Ebpanan, the Ligawasan Marsh is a premier but critical wetland ecosystem where a number of endangered endemic species can be found such as the Philippine duck.


Indigenous Peoples Power

Posted on March 11, 2014

The indigenous peoples (IP) of the Philippines continue to be one of the most marginalized sectors in the country—politically, economically, socially, and culturally. They exercise limited control over their own domains where they are the biggest stakeholders and which are usually key biodiversity areas, as well.


Images of Transformation: Community-based Coastal Resource Management in Guiuan

Posted on March 3, 2014

The FPE-GDFI project activated and consolidated the six POs in Guiuan and Salcedo as solid, durable partners and core constituencies at the grassroots level.

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