Today is October 18, 2024
Today is October 18, 2024

CITES Elasmobranch Species and Products Identification Training

  • Proponent: Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines
  • Amount: PhP 40,000
  • Project Start Date: November 27, 2015
  • Project End Date: December 03, 2016
  • Grant Type: Constituency - Building Grants
  • Area: Visayas
  • Grant Status: Current

Project Goals and Objectives

The training aimed to further enhance the knowledge capacities and frontline enforcement and investigation officers in the identification of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) newly listed sharks and mobulids, and products that may be traded in the Philippines, and support the implementation and enforcement of CITES newly listed elasmobranch species. 

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