Today is October 18, 2024
Today is October 18, 2024

Building Resilient and Sustainable Small Island Communities

  • Proponent: UP Visayas Foundation, Inc.
  • Amount: 2000000
  • Project Start Date: December 08, 2017
  • Project End Date: March 31, 2019
  • Grant Type: Constituency - Building Grants
  • Area: Visayas
  • Grant Status: Past

Project Goals and Objectives



<p 40px;"="">(1) to improve environmental and cultural resources, assets and ecosystem; (2) to develop livelihood and tourism resources for equitable distribution in the community; and, (3) to organize and engage people and communities for collective action towards environmental protection and management.

Outputs and Outcomes


<p 40px;"="">Finalization of the Gigantes Islands Unified Marine Protected Area (UMPA); adoption of the UMPA; identification of specific action points for UMPA management; refinement of action points for the protection of terrestrial resources, particularly Longon-Longon and Bakwitan Caves; training of 47 community-guides with the Department of Tourism; establishment of two (2) school-based nurseries; approval of joint resolution to for the demarcation of watershed areas; and, conduct of Waste Analysis and Characterization (WACS) study and formulation of SWM policy. Literature as well as other relevant materials on Gigantes were also compiled.

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