Today is July 27, 2024
Today is July 27, 2024
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Panay Island

Panay Island

Address: Panay Island

Description: Hosting the few remaining intact forests in Panay island, this area is the best hope for the survival of the highly endangered endemic inhabitants of Western Visayas. The threats here come in the form of habitat destruction due to over-exploitation of lumber resources. Hunting and poaching of wildlife, as well as mining activities also pose notable conservation challenges.

Status: Closed

Site Profile Summary

Ecosystem Types

Lowland Forest

Protection Status

Natural Park (Presidential Proclamation No. 186)


12,009 hectares

Biogeographic Features

  • It is one of the few remaining areas in Panay Island with intact forests.

  • The biodiversity of the Northwest Panay is under severe pressure from over-epxploitation and habitat destruction.

  • It is rich in iron, silica and clay.



  • BMT is also known for its wide variety of seashells, including the rare cone shell Conus gloriamaris and several rare cowries like Cyprea guttata and Cyprea valencia.


  • Critically-endangered wildlife is being hunted and poached in the area.

Livelihood Resources

  • Conversion of forest patches for kaingin, also firewood collection and charcoal production

  • Mining

  • Poaching of wildlife, bird selling in the market

Other Matters of Significance

Apart from a small settled community of Ati (Negritos) in Barangay Cogon in the municipality of Malay, there are no indigenous peoples' groups in the peninsula.

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